
Let's talk about the "expansion" and future of molecular imaging.
The 18th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Molecular Imaging
May 23 and 24, 2024
Tokyo International Exchange Center, Odaiba, Tokyo, Japan
Keynote Lecture; MRI:
Mark D. Pagel, Ph.D.
(Carbone Cancer Center, The University of Wisconsin)
Special Lecture; Optical:
Martin J. Schnermann, Ph.D.
(National Cancer Institute (NCI), NIH)
Special Lecture; Nuclear Medicine:
Delphine L. Chen, M.D.
(Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, University of Washington)
Deadline for abstract: April 8, 2024
Deadline for early registration: May 10, 2010
This conference was successfully concluded on May 24, 2024.

The 18th Annual Meeting of JSMI
FASMI-JSMI Joint Meeting 2024
Chair: Ichio Aoki, Ph.D., QST
Executive Committee Chair: Kensuke Osada, Ph.D., QST
Office: 3-2-11-702, Shiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0014, Japan
Tel: 03-3798-5253
Leaflet: Download
May 24: This conference was successfully concluded. We would like to express our appreciation for the many domestic and international attendees, lectures, sponsors, and enthusiastic discussions.
May 21: You can download the program book. Also, you will get an email from the office to download the abstracts soon.
May 13: The Newsweek Japan highlighted the FASMI-JSMI 2024.
May 8: Online tickets are available for everybody. Please choose "Zoom Meeting (FASMI only)" ticket on the registration page.
April 17: We are pleased to announce that the two-day FASMI-JSMI 2024 will be available ONLINE (main venue only). Online tickets are available to FASMI members only. Please choose "Zoom Meeting (FASMI only)" ticket on the registration page.
April 12: Recommended hotel information has been uploaded on this page.
April 9: Abstract Submission has been closed. Thank you for the many submissions.
April 5: Please note that the start time of the first day has been changed to 8:45 a.m.
April 1: The following members can register for the conference at the member's discount price; The Chemical Society of Japan, The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan, Japan Radioisotopes Association, The Japan Society of Drug Delivery System, The Japanese Society of Nuclear Medicine, The Japanese Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, The Japanese Society for Chemical Biology, The Japanese Society of Medical Imaging Technology, The Japan Neuroscience Society, Bioimaging Society and FASMI.
January 26: Dr. Hisataka Kobayashi (NCI, NIH) is scheduled to give a "Friendship Lecture".
January 25: The Chemical Society of Japan and the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan have provided support for our symposium. Members of both societies can register for FASMI-JSMI2024 as "member price".
January 22, 2024 This website is now open, and the call for abstracts and registration has started.
November 8, 2023: FASMI page was opened on a draft.
October 19, 2023: Brochure is available.
Time table
Time Table
Sessions marked in bold are conducted in English or Multi-language.
Online Zoom streaming now supported for the main hall. Online tickets are available to overseas FASMI members only.
Day 1: Thursday, May 23, 2024
8:30 Registration
8:45 Opening remarks (Ichio Aoki, QST)
8:50 Oral Session 1 (Japanese), 50 min
9:40 Special Lecture 1: Delphine L. Chen, Professor of Radiology, University of Washington; Director of Molecular Imaging and Therapy, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, 60 min (face-to-face!)
10:40 Young Investigators Session: "Study Abroad!" (Online)
Gensuke Akaike (TRA medical imaging, USA)
Takuya Toyonaga (Yale University)
(Moderator: Kana Yamazaki, QST; Sosuke Yoshinaga, Kumamoto University) 30 min
11:10 Poster Session (refreshments) All onsite attenders can vote, 80 min
12:30 Symposium 1 "Molecular Imaging + Clinical & Therapeutic" (Japanese), 80 min
13:30 FASMI-JSMI Joint Meeting sponsored by WMIS (FASMI: Federation of Asian Societies for Molecular Imaging, WMIS: The World Molecular Imaging Society) 90 min
(Moderator: Yasuyoshi Watanabe, Kobe University/Riken; Miya Ishihara, National Defense Medical College; Xiaowei Wang, Baker Institute)
Welcome Remarks: Mikako Ogawa (JSMI President)
About FASMI: Yasuyoshi Watanabe (FASMI President)
Towards Molecular Imaging Enabled Therapy: Directions of the WMIS in 2024 and beyond, Henry Charles Manning (WMIS President, MD Anderson Cancer Center)
Brief Introduction on Human Phenome Project, Mai Tian (WMIS Past President 2022-2023)
Engineering acoustically active biointerfaced colloids with clot-targeting capabilities (online), Mark Louis Vidallon (Representative of ASMI)
Novel EuK-based PSMA imaging radiotracer (99mTc-IDA-EuKfG) from in silico to in vivo study, Hyewon Youn (Representative of KSMI)
Facilitation of global molecular imaging collaboration for “Human Biology”, Yasuyoshi Watanabe (FASMI President)
15:00 Photo, Break (FASMI Business Meeting; For representatives of MI societies, please go to Room #4 on the 4th floor or access to Zoom)
15:10 Symposium 2 "Molecular Imaging + Chemical Biology" (Japanese), 80 min
16:30 Work in Progress 1
17:00 Keynote Lecture: Mark D. Pagel, Professor, Carbone Cancer Center, The University of Wisconsin. Editor-in-Chief, Molecular Imaging and Biology. 60 min (face-to-face)
(Moderator: Kazuya Kikuchi, Osaka University; Shingo Matsumoto, Hokkaido University; Hiroyuki Akai. the University of Tokyo)
18:00 (Online session ends) Small Concert, Discussion and Reception
20:15 Closing
Day 2: Friday, May 24, 2024
9:00 Registration
9:30 Oral Session 2
10:30 Special Lecture 2: Martin J. Schnermann, Senior Investigator, National Cancer Institute (NCI), NIH, 60 min (face-to-face)
(Moderator: Teruyuki Kondo, Kyoto University; Kohei Soga, Tokyo University of Science; Hisashi Doi, Osaka Metropolitan University)
11:30 Friendship Lecture: Hisataka Kobayashi, NCI/NIH 40 min (face-to-face)
(Moderator: Koichi Shiraishi, The Jikei University School of Medicine)
12:10 Work in Progress 2
12:40 Poster Session (refreshments) All onsite attenders can vote, 90 min
14:00 General Session for JSMI
14:30 Symposium 3 "Molecular Imaging + Advanced Technologies" (Japanese) 80 min
15:50 Awarding Ceremony 1 and Lecture: The Japan Society for Molecular Imaging Award, Award Lectures (Senior and Junior Awards), 50 min
16:40 Awarding Ceremony 2: Best Presentation Award of FASMI-JSMI2024
17:00 About JSMI2025 (Next Chair: Yasushi Seino, Univ of Fukui), Acknowledgments (FASMI, President, Yasuyoshi Watanabe), Closing Remarks (Ichio Aoki, QST)
Tokyo International Exchange Center (Plaza HEISEI), Odaiba, Tokyo
3rd floor
2-2-1 Aomi, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-8630, 135-0064, Japan
There are two entrances. The south-side entrance will be useful.
3 minutes walk from "Tokyo International Cruise Terminal" station on "Yurikamome" line
7 minutes walk from "Telecom Center" station on "Yurikamome" line
15 minutes walk from "Tokyo Teleport" station on "Rinkai" line
Recommended Hotels in Odaiba, Tokyo:
Hotel Trusty Tokyo bay side (mostly occupied, April 20)
Far East Village Hotel Tokyo, Ariake (Reasonable)
Tokyo bay Ariake Washington Hotel (Tokyo)
Grand Nikko Tokyo Daiba
There are no discounts for the FASMI conference participants.
We look forward to seeing you there.